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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

30 things- as I go

Today is the day. I have been celebrated, pampered, gifted, and wished well so very much and there is nothing left but to do thirty well.
Today my heart is full and overflowing with gratitude and I can't think of a better way to mark this day than to express that.

1. Waking up to sweet whispers of "Happy Birthday" and a tray with my favorite breakfast taco and bubbly carbonated goodness.
2. The internet. Facebook, twitter, email. Friends near and for sending blessings of love and hope far great things.
3. A perfect birthday celebration. New friends. Old Friends. Best Friends.
4. Today as I wash dishes, do laundry, and grocery shop, I am mindful that those tasks are blessings because I have clean running water, resources and access to food and clothing.
5. A plethora of little people to sing me happy birthday, paint me pictures, and spend the afternoon at the pool with.

More to come.....

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