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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cilantro Pesto- or not

A few nights ago Lauren & Steve came over to relieve the monotony of being the only adult in the house and have breakfast. Yep... brinner.

(Now here is the part that I spare you 500 words and give you the quick rundown. I decided to make it complicated and spend two hours shopping for mini personal skillets for make-your-own-fritattas. Fail. I negotiate with Danielle for a recipe for baked french toast. Not fail. And went to the ends of the earth to find all of the ingredients for cilantro pesto. )

The ends of the earth don't have everything. So Lauren goes to one store. Steve goes to another. Finally we have everything.

Except we still don't have everything. Sherry Vinegar. I don't remember exactly what kind of vinegar the recipe calls for but I do remember alcohol and vinegar and so I buy rice wine vinegar. So Lauren tries again. And she gets the sherry part right, but hers is wine and not vinegar. And then Steve forbids us to use either and we end up using plain old vinegar.

Yes.... I just used 63 words to discuss vinegar.And the recipe only calls for 2 Tablespoons....

So here is how we do it. Lauren is on syrup/butter mayhem duty for the kids. They get pancakes because I am trying out three new recipes here and they won't be polite if it all sucks. I should also mention that one new recipe served untested makes me nervous, so three seemed like a better idea.

That leaves Steve and I to make pesto. Well that leaves Steve to make pesto and me to be bossy about making pesto.  We are fairly adept at those roles- me being bossy & him being bossed.

All is going well until the blender refuses to chop the cilantro without anymore liquid and we have to have the vinegar discussion. And then it still refuses so we urge it to reconsider by shaking and twisting it. (Huge foreshadowing). Unsuccessful. So I chop the cilantro with a knife, we add the EVOO, and TA DA! We have cilantro pesto!

It is Beautiful. Stunning. Bright Green. And going to be amazing drizzled over frittata....

So on to frittata. After some mourning of the mini-skillets, I did manage to find these fabulous small square bowls that are oven-to-table-safe and match my favorite dishes. So everyone fills them with their favorite combination of veggies, I saute, and then we pour the egg mixture over and pop them in the oven. Brilliant!

About that time we decide to move the pesto from the blender to a squeeze bottle. Lauren volunteers. Bless Lauren's heart! She keeps getting the jobs that are well...not ones I want.

And it happens. Lauren picks up the blender to pour out the pesto. And the doesn't want to come. No.... It's not stuck in the blender. It is pouring out from the bottom of the blender that came unscrewed in our vigorous attempts to make it cooperate. It is incredibly beautiful... pouring everywhere.

When she runs out of high pitch sounds, the first thing she says is "You are going to blog about this!".

Yep♥ And smile every time I think of this misadventure...